Monday, July 14, 2014

First Day of Camp

(Photo by Rebecca - in the bus on the way to camp)
Today we started the English camp with somewhere around 45 kids taking part, with the group spilt between younger and older campers. After so much preparation at many different levels, it is great to see it all come together, and I think all of us are eager to both love the kids and also to grow in our love for Christ ourselves as we see our own neediness. On the young camper side of things, first we played with them out in the courtyard with all sorts of balls and jump ropes and frisbees and such, then we had a group time where we sang songs about clothing (our word theme for the day), heard some great cheers (about shopping for clothes in New York) and finally met our small group of kids. Eight 10 and 11 year old boys are in my group. The teaching time we had with them went well, mainly thanks to Alie, my teaching partner who teaches 3rd graders for a living. The kids were quite attentive and engaged in the lesson, and we really look forward to getting to know them better as the week progresses. We moved on to an art project where the kids made very cool "I (heart) NY" T shirts, then on to some sports activities, and a short wrap up time. Being with these kids who can't speak a lot of English, while being able to speak barely any Spanish, is in some ways heartbreaking, because you really want to talk with them at a deeper level. But we communicate the best we can and ask the Lord to take our feeble efforts and multiply them that these kids and even their families would know a little more how good and loving He is. One of the most touching moments today was to see a father come to get his young son after the program was over for the day and heartily embrace him - a beautiful inkling of God's love for His children. 


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