Sunday, July 13, 2014

Yo en Ti confio

Tonight we had the privilege of worshiping at the Inglesia Reconciliación. Our group, plus the other volunteers from churches in Virginia and Iowa, more than doubled the size of the congregation. 

Marc delivered a message on trust, translated by a church member into Spanish. He reminded us about how we are in a continual state of dependence on The Lord and His grace. All too often, we feel as though we need to improve upon the work He has already done in our lives, increasing our holiness by righteous acts and more fruit of the spirit. The problem here is that we forget that nothing is lacking in the work of Christ--He truly has done a full and complete work in us. But we are in medias res...we know how the Story began, we believe in the climactic work of Christ, but we get lost in the here and now. We stress about how the Good Work will happen in our lives...we sin over and over, are never loving/kind/generous/patient enough, and we do not deserve God's love. But God has already chosen us, claimed us--not because of our work, but because we have repented and received the righteousness of Christ. The Work is already planned, there is no Plan B, and our steps are not random. 

This is a great message for us as we look forward to English camp beginning tomorrow. Who will come? How will we love them? Will we be enough?

Pray for us, that we would continue to trust The Lord, not just because of the work He has already done to bring us here to Granada, but for the things we have yet to do...the things He has planned, about which we know very little, and often cannot even imagine. 



  1. It's about 5pm here in Glenside and Rebecca's community group is about to gather. We'll be sure to include all of you in our prayers tonight

  2. We are praying for you in our small group and individually... that God would t do GREAT things.
